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November 14 and 15, 2011: 3rd Scientific Conference "New findings in organic farming research and their possible use for Central and Eastern Europe" in Prague, Czech Republic

The 3rd Scientific Conference "New findings in organic farming research and their possible use for Central and Eastern Europe” is held 14-15 November 2011 Prague, the Czech Republic.

Papers for the 3rd International Scientific Conference "New findings in organic farming research and their possible use for Central and Eastern Europe” can be submitted until May 30, 2011. (See separate news item on the call for papers).

The conference is organized by Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture (CTPOA) in cooperation with the Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS).

The Scientific Conference will be accompanied by a one-day BIOSUMMIT 2011 (, held after the Scientific Conference on 15th November on the premises of the Czech Parliament in Prague.

Further information


The 3rd International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture to be held in the Czech Republic follows on from the two scientific conferences held by Bioinstitute within Bioacademy in Lednice na Moravě in 2008 and 2009.

From 2010 Bioacademy has taken on a new concept, focusing on practitioners – farmers. After the establishment of the Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture (CTPOA) its members expressed the need for a regional scientific conference for the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

This conference will be held every other year in cooperation with research institutions involved in organic farming and will be guaranteed by CTPOA.

The first conference to take place outside Lednice will be held at the end of November in Prague, on the premises of the Czech University of Life Sciences, where research and education in the field of organic farming were launched 20 years ago.

The 3rd International Scientific Conference is primarily of importance to new EU member countries and the region of Eastern Europe and the Balkans; nevertheless, contributions from researchers throughout Europe are welcome as long as they are beneficial to our region or for further international cooperation.



  • Felicius o. p. s.
    Veverkova 23
    CZ 170 00 Prague, Czech Republic
    Tel. +420 731 344 235

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