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August 22-27, 2010: Symposium 'Organic Horticulture: Productivity and sustainability' at the 28th International Horticultural Congress

From August 22 to 27, 2009, the 28th International Horticultural Congress will take pace in Lisbom, Portugal, under the patronage of the International Horticultural Society ISHS. A symposium on organic horticulture will be held.

Logo of the International horticultural congress

The objective of the Symposium is to provide a forum among researchers, extension workers and horticulturists, to discuss worldwide innovations in the fields of science and technology, market trends and policies. It will be a great opportunity to exchange experiences and research related to best practices leading to higher efficiency and sustainability of horticultural production under organic management. In addition, it is a chance to deal with major contemporary issues such as climate change, food safety and conservation of natural resources (soil, air, water and biodiversity) throughout different agro-ecological areas of the world.

The symposium will consist of invited papers, oral presentations and poster presentations.

Abstracts can be submitted until December 31, 2009.

More information


Symposium Organic Horticulture: Productivity and sustainability

28th International Horticultural Congress

International Horticultural Society ISHS

International Horticultural Society ISHS: Commission on Sustainability through Integrated and Organic Horticulture


  • Dr. Robert K. Prange
    Chair of the Commission on Sustainability through Integrated and Organic Horticulture
    Agriculture and Food Research Canada
    Personal homepage



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