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February 13, 2013: Session on Organic Market Data Networks at the BioFachCongress, Nürnberg

The session Organic Market Data Networks is organised by the European-funded SOLINSA project, which project aims to identify barriers to the development of Learning and Innovation Networks for sustainable agriculture (LINSA).

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In the rapidly changing global environment, the organic sector has now developed to the point where the need for improvements in statistical data is becoming particularly pressing, and the consequences of failing to address this are potentially significant in financial terms. However, it is still the case that in most countries only very basic data such as certified organic holdings, land areas and livestock numbers are reported. Information in sufficient quantity and of appropriate quality is essential for sound decision-making but important market data, e.g. the amount of production, consumption, retail sales, international trade or producer and consumer prices, do not exist in most European countries. One solution to enable data exchange are information and knowledge networks, which need shared visions, well-established linkages and information flows between different public and private actors, conducive institutional incentives that enhance co-operation, adequate market, legislative and policy environments, and well-developed human capital. For organic market data in Europe, this is often not yet the case so platforms to allow development of shared visions and establishment of linkages between different actors is required as a starting point for collaboration.

The goal of this workshop is to encourage dialogue and an exchange of ideas and experiences about effective structures and forms of networks in organic market data collection and distribution. The workshop will be based around participation and dialogue: characterised by short presentations and in-depth roundtable discussions.

  • In the workshop, Raffaele Zanoli, leader of the EU research project "Organic Data Network" will present an overview of the European situation and the importance of functioning networks to contributing to solving Europe’s organic market data challenges.
  • $Vladimir Masar from will provide a summary and brief history of web based organic data networks.
  • Martin Timmermann from otx AG will make a presentation titled Participatory Ways of Market Transparency - Benefits of the World Wide Web using the example of the platform Organic Trade Exchange. The case of an established market will be illustrated by
  • Fabio Del Bravo from ISMEA, who will present that case of Italy.
  • The case of emerging markets will be illustrated by Bernhard Jansen from Ekoconnect, who will present cases from Eastern Europe.

Time and venue

The session takes place on Feburary 13, 2013,  from 11 to 12.30 am, 2013, Room Athen, Nürnberg Messe.

Speakers include

  • Prof. Raffaele Zanoli (Speaker) DIIGA - Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
  • Dr. Martin Timmermann (Speaker), otx AG, Germany
  • Vladimir Masar, Organic-Bio (Speaker), Geneva, Switzerland,
  • Bernhard Jansen (Speaker), EkoConnect e.V., Germany
  • Fabio Del Bravo (Speaker), director at ISMEA - Istituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare

Further information


Robert Home, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Switzerland


The project will explore how policy instruments, financial arrangements, research, education and advisory services might support LINSA's in cost-efficient and effective ways. SOLINSA is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission. It started in February 2011 and will finish in January 2014.

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